
評分3.3(3)·免費·iOS需要iPadOS14.0或以上版本。iPodtouch:需要iOS14.0或以上版本。AppleVision:需要visionOS1.0或以上版本。語言.,評分3.0(176)·免費·iOSWithBoxcryptor,youencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadingthemtoDropbox,iCloud,GoogleDrive,OneDrive,MicrosoftTeamsandmanyotherproviders.,BoxcryptorClassichasbeendiscontinuedandonlysupportsOSXversionsfrom10.7to10.10.ItdoesnotsupportnewerOSXversions.Please ...,Bo...

在App Store 上的「Boxcryptor」

評分 3.3 (3) · 免費 · iOS 需要iPadOS 14.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 14.0 或以上版本。 Apple Vision: 需要visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。 語言.

Boxcryptor on the App Store

評分 3.0 (176) · 免費 · iOS With Boxcryptor, you encrypt your files before uploading them to Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams and many other providers.

Boxcryptor Classic Mac OS X 10.11

Boxcryptor Classic has been discontinued and only supports OS X versions from 10.7 to 10.10. It does not support newer OS X versions. Please ...


Boxcryptor will stop providing updates (v3 and v2) · macOS · richardh started Jan '23. 0. Load More. Loading... This site is best viewed in a ...

Boxcryptor for Mac

Boxcryptor is a very easy-to-use application that lets you encrypt all the files you have stored on the cloud with services like Dropbox, Google Drive, ...

Endpoint Security for Mac OS X and Boxcryptor

Hi, I have ESET Endpoint Security running on OS X El Capitan 10.11.1. I also use Boxcryptor 2.1.457 to encrypt my data on my cloud providers.

Install Boxcryptor Classic on Mac OSX

Install Boxcryptor Classic on Mac OSX · About the App · Install the App. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key ...

[PDF] Manual

Open Boxcryptor on your desktop and access the ICloud location on macOS or ICloud Drive-->. Boxcryptor on Windows. You will find the encrypted file from your ...


Security for your cloud. Boxcryptor protects your data in the cloud: in OneDrive, SharePoint, Dropbox, Google Drive and more.

How to share encrypted files with Boxcryptor for Mac OS X

This screenscast shows you how to share encrypted files with Boxcryptor for macOS X. More information and our free Boxcryptor version can be ...